HS's Slide Collection

1000+ images from the 1940s through 1974.
 Also includes over 100 images of Baba Sawan Singh

These files have updated with high resolution versions February 2022

Clicking on a folder number and title takes you to a listing of the JPGs in that folder... view the images by clicking on them or use "save as" option to download them to your computer.

Clicking on a "contact sheet" displays
a set of smaller images with file names for preview purposes, there are no links from the contact sheets to the JPGs

Folder number and Title contact sheet
Folder number and Title   contact sheet
01 Baba Sawan Singh 0001-0034 11 July August 1974 0741-0747
02 Sant Kirpal Singh 1940s & 1950s 0035-0070 12 August 1974  0770-0783
03 Sant Kirpal Singh 1960s & 1970s    0071-0106 0784-0793
0107-0142 13 First World Tour 1955 0794-0821
0143-0178 14 Second World Tour 1963-64  0822-0857
0179-0189 0858-0866
04 Sant Kirpal Singh 0190-0220 15 Third World Tour 1972      0867-0902
05 India 1960s  0221-0256 0903-0938
0257-0269 0939-0974
06 India 1970s    0270-0305 0975-1010
0306-0341 1011-1046
0342-0377 1047-1068
0378-0395 16 Various photos India 1069-1083
07 Sawan Ashram 1970s  0396-0431 17 Honors for Sant Kirpal Singh 1084-1085
0432-0458 18 Selected slides for Satsang 

(contact sheets only,
find images in original folders)

08 Manav Kendra  0459-0494 0136-0197
0495-0506 0206-0514
09 Unity of Man Conference Feb. 1974     0507-0542 0519-0758
0543-0578 0762-0999
0579-0614 1017-1062
0615-0650 19 Special scans - Baba Sawan Singh   0001-0036
0651-0663 0037-0072
10 June 1974 0664-0699 0073-0083

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