Christmas and New Year's Messages:

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1952 Christmas Message

Dear Ones,

I send out my heartful love to you this day. I would  have conveyed the same to you in person but due to certain unforeseen circumstances that has not been possible. Though I am not with you in person but I am always with you in spirit.

The highest aim of a man's life is to know one's self and to know God, but on the contrary he is attached to 'woman and gold' all the time. The latter things were given for use only and he had to make the best use of them. He is enjoying what he should have used only, whereas he simply talks about what he should have enjoyed. That makes him unhappy in the world. He is living, as it were, in a house on fire, viz., a body which is decaying every minute, and he is exulting over it out of ignorance. If he but knows as to how to transcend it practically at will in this lifetime and attune himself to the 'All Pervading Spirit'--the Word--through the grace of a Master Who is Word personified, he would be happy here and hereafter. The Saints say what They see with Their own eyes whereas the priestly classes and orders say what they record in books. The two therefore do not agree. The latter have already been afraid of the former lest they should lose the source of their livelihood. The latter therefore did their best to prevent the spread of the way of the Saints. We should see things with our own eyes what the Saints preach and not to be led astray by mere hearsay.

Every moment of our life is most precious. We should not fritter it away in useless pursuits, but devote it in the search of self and God.

 December 4, 1952

1953 Christmas Message

Dear Ones,

I convey you my sincere and heart-felt love on this day and wish you speedy progress on your way back to your Eternal and Blissful Home.

We have passed ere now so many Christmas eves. There is need to take stock today where we stand, how far we have traveled. Let us do so calmly but seriously.  The Journey may be long but has to be completed. Life is running out, let not vain pursuits deflect us from our Noble Path.  The grace of the Master is overwhelming and is extending far and wide. Through His grace the long and tedious journey back to our Eternal Home is cut short and rendered full of melodious charm. His Gracious Love is overflowing, and He is waiting for you at the door back of your eyes to receive you. Ours is to invert and sit at the door. Let our steadfast devotion and whole-hearted faith in Him stand on our good stead.

My best wishes are always hovering around you to quicken you on your way back to God.

December 14, 1953

1954 Christmas Message

Dear Ones,

Another precious year of our life has passed out. Some of us have traveled more, others less on the way to our cherished Home.

Soul is an indweller of the body for a short period only. Soul's stay in the body may be compared to a traveler who stays in an inn for the night and leaves it with dawn of the day and goes on his way ahead. Why is man so much attached to it and its sensuous enjoyments ? The body is not its permanent abode; it is only transitory. We have to make the beat use of it. It is the temple in which soul and God reside. We have to keep it holy and not pollute it with sins connected with the five passions, viz., Lust, Anger, Covetousness, Attachment and Egoism.

God is Love, our soul is also Love, and the way back to God can be achieved through Love. Men are in the clutches of perverted love. If it is developed in the right direction, under the guidance of a Living Master, way back is ensured by listening to the rapturous strains of the Word reverberating in all creation.

There is hope for each one of us. I wish a delightful Christmas and a happy New Year: may it bring you new hopes and renewed vigour to traverse the way before you. Let us have sincere devotion and implicit faith in the Master Power overhead extending all feasible help to enable us to stand on our own legs. My heart goes out in love to all of you.

 December 9, 1954

1955 Christmas Message

Dear Children of Light,

I am sending you this Christmas greeting from India. I might be physically not with you this day, but my heart is with you all and in spirit I am with each one of you,

I had to leave you all and return to India, though in actual sense the whole world is my 'Home' and all 'Life' my family, but because of my being nationalised in India I had to return 'Home' and could not overstay in any foreign country.

All the laws of this world remind me of the Divine Plan by which every one of us has to return to our True Home after the time allotted to us is over, then it is a sin to overstay here. After taking birth as a human being and God being gracious enough to send His Representative to you, that you are at last blessed and are being recalled by our Father, so we should make the best use of this valuable opportunity afforded to us.

Blessed are they who find refuge at the feet of a Living Master. Once His, He never leaves or forsakes us till He fulfills His promised duty of escorting, whoever comes to Him, to the True Home of the Father. Christmas is celebrated for Christ was born this day but the real Christmas will be celebrated when we really make up our minds to fulfill the aim of Christ's birth, viz., to enter the Kingdom of God within us, and bring the same on earth.

Do you not consider this year the most fortunate one, in which you came in close physical touch with the human Pole through which the Master-Power works ?

Many new seekers who came near were blessed with the first-hand experience of the Divine and had a peep into the kingdom of God within.

It is by the grace of my Master that I was chosen so, to help you all on the way back home and only through His grace am I able to give each one an experience and put you on the Path made easy for this age.

I quite appreciate the loving devotion of you all and the financial sacrifice each one made so that full benefit could be utilised of my visit to your country.

But this is not enough. As everything has a value, so has God. To purchase His love, we will have to give all love and devotion to Him.

Love is the electrical lift which enables us to scale the spiritual heights within by contact with the Divine Word so graciously given to us all FREE.

If we could only still our intellect and remain embedded with love and trust in Him, then we can reach our True Home, without and exertion on our part.

God is love and the Master (God-Man) is Love Personified, when one soul comes in contact with His overflowing love, we are saturated with His love through and through, which washes away all dirt of sins of the past and merges us to oneness with the Father.

Peep and continue peeping within self with overflowing love to see and contact the Master-Power residing in you, Who will then manifest to you and guide you step by step into the path of the Truth which your love will open for you.

I am in India but my heart is with you all and I send you my heart-felt love to each one of you on this auspicious occasion of Christmas.

I wish you happy New Year and may you be blessed with renewed strength to hie you on your way back to your True Home with all safety under the protection of' the Master-Power which is forever over your heads.

 December 2, 1955

1956 Christmas Message

Dear Children of Light,

Merry Christmas has come around once more. It is a season of great rejoicing for it commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. However, if we are to make the occasion complete, it must be a season of meditation also. We must remember the cause for which Jesus was born and for which He sacrificed His life, and remembering it, we must live by it ourselves for if we love Him, we must follow His Commandments.

Let this day be a day of stocktaking. Let us turn within, recognize our weaknesses and try to overcome them. Let us sink down all differences and sit together in all loving devotion for the Master. Let us purge our souls and cleanse our hearts, for unless we are pure, we cannot see the Kingdom of God, much less enter into it.

If you can love your God with all your heart, with all your strength and with all your soul and love your neighbors as yourselves; if you can forget your prejudices and differences, your hatreds and petty jealousies; if you can love even your enemies as Jesus did, who died uncomplaining on the Cross, then all things shall be added unto you and you will achieve spiritual peace here and hereafter.

The love of the Master for you is boundless. The path is difficult, but He is always with you to guide you. Live by what He says, turn within and do daily meditation, and as sure as the sun rises every day, you shall become the seers and the hearers of' the Word.

My hearty love is always with you and I wish you all a merry Christmas and bright and happy New Year full of new aspirations and new resolves, on the way to God and His Kingdom.

1957 Christmas Message

Dear Ones,

Another year of our precious life has gone, bringing us closer to the great final change, called death. Those who have learnt to rise above body-consciousness at will, have won victory over death. Last enemy that we have to conquer is death. Blessed are they who have attained this competency at the feet of the Master--for they lose all fear of death—for them life and death make no difference—for they die daily and traverse into the higher planes. Physical Science has produced weapons to move in the space around the world as also aiming to reach moon. These inventions seemed miraculous in the past. But it has now become a solid fact. Similarly all Master who came in the past, knew as to how to rise above body-consciousness and traversed into the higher planes. 'Except ye be born anew, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God'. 'Learn to die so that you may begin to live'. With the lapse of time, men forgot the Science. This seemed to them an impossibility. But thanks be to the Master, this Science has been revived by His grace and fortunate you are who have been put on the way by rising above the body-consciousness. By the grace of my Master, I have lost all fascination of the world and am even now ready to go back to my Father's Home. Of course, I will work as long as He may wish. Blessed is my human birth that gave me this privilege by the grace of my Master, and on this Christmas day I send out my best wishes to each one of you to take the Cross and learn to die so that you may have an everlasting life, and wish you best of luck on the Happy New Year's day.

I will be glad to see you all love God and love all humanity and work in loving cooperation with each other.

1958 Christmas Message

I join with you in your rejoicings on Christmas and New Year days and wish you to identify yourself with Christ so much so that like St. Paul you may be able to say, "It is I, not now I, it is Christ that lives in me". Let you be perfect as your Father is in Heaven or Father speaking through the Son and become conscious of becoming a vehicle of Him, as puppet in the hands of God—Son and the Father—and be able to endorse that "I and my Father are one". Please allow me to remind you to consider dispassionately where you stand in the realisation of this perfection. If you are far away from this ideal, pause to introspect and determine to apply a corrective from now on.

May be worldly affluence has swayed you too much or you had thought the misfortunes have descended too quick, which may not in reality be so, for ups and downs are a normal feature of life. They come as a result of well planned Divine Dispensation. So worry not if dark clouds are overhanging or wild rumors of universal destruction are set afloat as even the darkest cloud has a silver lining somewhere, You have a clear way before you. Your duty is two-fold—corporal and spiritual—as you have the body and the spirit. Both are intertwined and interlinked and need to be performed diligently and lovingly without damping your enthusiasm in any way. For to shirk one's duty is timidity, to face it with determination is manly, to take the results with cheer is bravery and to adjust one's life according to one's environments is invigorating and peaceful.

One can learn swimming in water, not on dry land. You have to behave lovingly in all your affairs. When you love God and as God resides in every heart, you love one and all. you have to see Him in all. In this way you will live in the world and yet out of it. The fascination and charms of the world will not bind you. The Master has shown you a way by example and precept—how to achieve his end. It is well within your reach under His guidance. You have only to do your duty with love, faith and enthusiasm and rise into conscious awareness of Great Power within you. Now or never should be the motto. There are no windfalls as a general rule. You have to work your way up. Every one reaching the top step has ascended the steps below. But take it that you are not alone in your efforts, which at best are only too feeble. You are under the protective wings of the great Master-Power always extending His grace and protection unknowingly and unasked for. He is always by your side. You may stumble and fall, but His loving hands are always here to pick you up.

Stand on your belief on solid ground. Let not others' wayward opinions deflect you from the True Path you are on. Let not promises of glory by anyone waylay you. Do not come to hurried conclusions, but use discrimination in all your undertakings. Stick to what is Real. With an ethical and loving background your spiritual success is definitely assured. My love and best wishes are always with you in all your noble efforts and holy journey to your home.

1959 Christmas Message

Dear Ones,

    I send you my heartiest greetings on this auspicious day of Christmas.

    Let us see where we stand. The clouds of destruction are overhanging with their arsenals full to be let loose on humanity at any time. The great potentialities of atom bomb destructions witnessed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki are being outpassed by still severe weapons of destruction of war that have since been finalised. One wrong more brings about the compete wiping away of all civilization that the mortal human nature has built up through all its ages.

    Serious and well-meaning efforts of great personalities of the world are visible towards stemming the great tidal wave of destruction. We mean them well and wish them success. Let us put our mite as well in this great work and play an important role to bring peace to ourselves, to our neighours and to the world.

    There is suffering in the world, and men and women wander in darkness. In such a world let us go about giving love and compassion to all. Let us serve the poor and broken ones, serve our brothers and sisters, serve birds and beasts and all creation in whom is the breath of life. Let us not waste energy in questions and controversies. Let us light a few candles at the alter of suffering humanity. This will be achieved by having right understanding, viz., all mankind is one. The soul in man is the essence of God. We are members of the same family of God. We are all brothers in God. When we learn that God resides in every heart we should have respect and love for all. This realization must dawn on mankind.

    You have been put on the way to God which is the most natural and easiest of all. Do not be led away from the Path. Transcend the body to have a flight in the higher regions to know thyself and see that you are a drop of the Great Ocean of Consciousness. Radiate love to all creation. The grace of the Master-Power is working over your head bountifully. Let us breathe out through every pore of our body: 'love and peace be unto all the world over'. Let this bomb of peace and good-will overcome the bombs of destruction. 'Love and all things shall be added unto you.'

    Each action has a reaction. As you sow so shall you reap. Let your physical sojourn be sweetly ethical, loving, co-operative and tolerant. Without these the great spiritual flights evade you. Be watchful. We are on way to perfection. We are not perfect. There may be failures on your part and misunderstandings amongst yourselves. The former ,should be met with by the motto of forgive and forget and the latter by reconciling them by mutual loving contacts. There may be a lot of dross and imitation displayed in colourful and charming fashion to deflect you. All movements which sanction you to sensual life cannot take you beyond the senses. Let not their catchwords waylay you. Be steadfast and careful. Feelings, emotions, visualizations and inferences are all subject to error. You know because you see something beyond the emotions and feelings. Let not your faith give way to your detriment. With faith in the Master-Power overhead, proceed on from day to day.

    You are protected by the Master-Power working overhead. Depend on Him. You will have all the necessary inner help. The Master is waiting for His dear children to come to Him within.

    With all love and good wishes to you for your successful career in the years to come.

1960 Christmas Message

Dear Ones,

    Once again we are nearing a milestone on the Path of spirituality. We must pause awhile to make survey of what we have achieved, and what yet lies ahead of us. Everyone has to reckon his stock-in-trade and to plan things for the better. Those who live by the Master's Word will surely come by many a thing to their advantage. The Master-Power flows out alike and in abundance to all, but individual share in the bounty depends on one's receptivity and practice of the Word above everything else. "Be ye the doers of the Word and not hearers alone" was emphasized by the Master Christian Jesus. He, like Buddha before him, lived and died for the love of the Word, and so did Nanak after him. Their Gospel has been of Universal Love - Love that is divinely inspired for all living creatures, the living manifestations of the one Life Principle pervading everywhere. 'Pure love' and 'selfless service' are the two wings wherewith one can fly heavenwards. 'By love serve one another,' is, therefore, the master-key that opens the way to the Kingdom of Heaven.

    The Master's work, as you know already, is expanding rapidly from day to day. All are lovingly invited to take their share in the spiritual field. Let each one do his or her very best for the Great Cause - Cause that needs great hearts - hearts, brave and strong and bubbling over with superb love - love that flows freely, uncontaminated by petty considerations of the world and all that is worldly. We must learn to ignore the shortcomings, in others, for not one under heaven is yet Perfect. Judge not, lest ye be judged and found wanting. All considerations on human level are but the offsprings of petty mindedness, not worthy of seekers after Truth. Everyone has perforce, to work under human limitations, according to one's lights while the Great Light shines on unconcerned. This then should be the attitude of each who stands for the Cause, unmindful of what others think, do or speak.

    With these few words, I extend to all my children, here and abroad, a loving and merry Christmas and a happy New Year full of prosperity and plenty in all that is holy and Divine.

1962 Christmas Message

Dear Ones in the Lord:

On this Christmas day, I send you my hearty wishes for your progress on your way back to the sweet Home of our Father. Entire self-surrender to God is the secret of a true lover of God. Therefore, he should be a man of purity, humility and meekness. The main thing one should do is devotion to the Name of God and see the Light and hear the Voice of God—the Sound Principle reverberating in all. For this, he should devote regular time to meditation and conquer the passions through communion with the Master. He should sing of God the Beloved, and enter into the 'Super-conscious' through intoxication of His sweet remembrance. In such intoxication of love, one wishes to kiss the very ground, love all creation and all mankind and breathe peace unto all the world over. My work is to reveal to you the Unity already existing through all and would ask you to turn away from sectarian strifes to the Path of Love. This will be achieved by one who will be intoxicated with love.

God is love and our souls are of the same essence as that of God. Love is inherent in our souls and the way back to God is only through love: "love and all things shall be added unto you."

You may read libraries of books. Of what avail arc they? You may have many meritorious acts. What avail are they? Far are you from the Beloved if there be not the longing in your heart. Consume hundreds of books in the fire. Let your heart blossom forth with the sweet remembrance of the Lord. Be absorbed in the white radiance of the Beloved. Be absorbed and you will know that the Master is but One with God. He appears in every picture. In every race and religion, every prophet and saint, every scripture and song, is the shining 'One' revealed. Let your inner-self be overflowing with the love of the Master so much so that all thoughts of yourself be lost in Him. Saint Paul said: "It is I, not now I, but Christ lives in me."

Be not imprisoned in the jail of ' I ' and 'me'. He who hath transcended self, he verily hath attained to the Highest. He hath become Perfect. Such a one knows no difference between the Hindu, the Muslim, the Sikh the Christian. the Jew, the Buddhist or the Zoroastrian, for God is the Lord of all and in all shines the one picture Divine; we are worshippers of the same Lord. The One is within thee, outside thee, in me, in him and in every place. That One alone doeth speak in all.

I wish you awake, awake.
Awake this very day of Christ.
Awake in the Kingdom of God which is shining within you.
Be not in love with passions.
Think no evil of any one.
Strive not for greatness, wealth and applause.
Strive for truth, purity and humility.
Awake in the brotherhood of God.
Inculcate love for one and all.
See them all in the One—the shining One.

1964 Christmas Message

Dear Ones,

    The whole creation came into being by the 'Word' or 'Naam'--the God-into-Expression Power.
    The whole creation is the temple of God. There is no place where He is not. In minerals life is sleeping; in plants life is dreaming; in birds and animals life is awakening; and in man life is awake. As such we are brothers of all creatures, of plants, of birds and animals. So the flowers and trees, sparrows and doves are as members of our own Order. How simple, pure, loving and beautiful they are! We should learn lessons of leading lives of purity, holy, simplicity and Divine love from them.
    We should love all, even the sinners and robbers. We should not chop off the whole tree, but give it a chance to grow up again. We breathe same air, we drink the same water, we bask in the same sun and live on the same mother earth. Day and night are two servants who are bringing us up.
    Man is the highest in all creation. Those who love God, should love all of them. He is immanent in every form. There are sermons in stones and books in rivulets.  We should live in fellowship with all creatures, with all life. Creation is one family in God. All Rishis and Saints had the vision of Cosmic Unity and loved Dame Nature. 'The whole creation is the house of God and He resideth in it'--(Nanak). The Rishis sang, 'Ishava-syam Idam Servam'.(All that is, is a vesture of the Lord). Nature is beautiful except tormented by the hand of man.
    Man is a social being, and has to live in some society. Numbers are no index to wisdom and that holy places of worship are crowded with them. We need that these should be purest and wisest men of life. The society should live by the law of love, and ruled by guardians of the moral law and live a simple frugal life. I am not after founding a sect, but after gathering holy men of life, of purity, of simplicity and of loving devotion to God in all, and to all in God. It is no good to renounce the world and retire in a forest. It is not necessary to renounce one religion or the other, but to have inner renunciation. Like Francis and other Saints who renounced everything at heart but were Christ-possessed or God-possessed.
    With these words I send you one and all my best wishes at this Christmas Day to mould our lives accordinglly.

1965 Christmas & New Year Message

Message for the Christmas and the New Year

Dear Brothers and Sisters.

    On this auspicious Christmas Day and happy advent of the New Year, I send you, one and all, my kindest thoughts and best wishes.
    God is Love and it is by Love alone that we can reach Him. Out of the heart springeth Love and in Love is the secret of all life. I would like you to dedicate in all humility your life to the loving service of the humanity as children of the God of Love.
    "Caste and birth are of no avail," said all who know the Truth.
    "Cast out caste and look at the Light within", said Guru Nanak. God will not ask man of what race you are, but will ask him What have you done.
    Religion of life is required, which would shine in the deeds, and lives of men. Religion should not be Separated from life. Heart-knowledge is more than book-knowledge.
Guru Nanak gave out the substance of all life in a beautiful song;

I have turned my heart into a boat,
I have searched in every sea;
I have dwelt by rivers and streams;
I have bathed at places of pilgrimage;
I have eaten bitter and sweet;
I have seen the remotest regions.
And this I have learnt that he is the True Man
Who loveth God and loveth man,
And serving all abideth in Eternal Love.
    Standing at this milestone in time we must recall our past and maintain a regular diary from day to day of all our thoughts, words, and deeds, and see where we stand. I wish you all to devote time to spiritual practices so that you make a commendable progress on the spiritual Path and reach the Goal before us.

Affectionately yours,

December 9, 1965

1966 Christmas & New Year Message

Dear Ones,

    This year is going out and the New Year will soon be ushered in. The present year is gone old. Let it depart. You need not worry. It had been kind to you--not so kind as it should have been. But God willed it so.
    However, you must strive to be different from what you are during the present year. Strive to reach Him, be a true devotee, crave for blessings from the Almighty. Pray for His mercy. Promise unto Him that you will go up the Divine Path at any cost and nothing shall deter you from achieving this object.
    The New Year will be happy for you if you do not waver in the Divine Path or slacken your pace therein. Remain firm and go ahead, caring for none and heeding none except the One--the Master. Follow your Master with full faith embedded in your heart. If the faith in the Guru dims, the disciple falters and falls. Faith carries him forward in the regions which are otherwise impossible of traversing.
    This New Year means a new life to me and those who are attached to me in the noble cause of God. In this period we have to make sacrifices which alone lead to Bhakti. These sacrifices will be of one's low desires, hatred, ill-will, malice, name and fame, pride and egoistic life. Unless we are ourselves symbols of sacrifices, we cannot advance any further in the Divine Path. Without sacrificing all that we have, how can we reach His Bhakti ?
    New Year has come. Be new, leave the sloth of the old. Implicitly follow what is required of you. You failed to do so this year and you suffered. The mistakes are not to be repeated.
    A central place of Worship should be established in the East and West of U.S.A. and everywhere, where the refreshing waters of Naam may rain forth to soothe the lacerated hearts of thousands and thousands of the grief-stricken human beings They are unhappy because they are drifting away from Him ever more. Blessed are they who are chosen in the Set-Up of Master's work.
    The Christmas and New Year is starting with happy congratulations. May your life be devoted to the service of the Lord and the Guru. May your body and mind get imbued with intense love for the Beloved.
    The teachings of the Masters have been;

 (i) "He who loveth not his brother abideth in death;
 (ii) "My children; let us not love in word, neither in tongue but in deed
       and in truth.
 (iii) "Beloved; let us love one another (especially who are linked
       with the silken bonds of love of true brotherhood at the feet
       of the Master) for love is God and everyone that loveth is
       born of God and knoweth God.
(iv) "He that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is love.
(v) "God is love. And he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God
       and God in him."
    The law of the Kingdom is love. The entire code of conduct of one who belongs to the Kingdom may be summed up in two thoughts; (i) Love of God, and (ii) Love of man. Let us live a new life of peace, harmony, and love. The essence of religion is love, peace, humility, service and sympathy. Love all--not merely your relatives and friends. Love the sinner too. Bless them that curse you. Pray like Guru Nanak :
"Peace be unto all the world over under Thy Will, O God."

1968 Christmas Message

Dear Ones,

I send you all my love and best wishes for your spiritual progress on this auspicious occasion of Christmas and New Year Day.

Christmas is a festival of joy and jubilation celebrated all the world over to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ--the Prince of Peace. The fact that the Word (manifested at the human pole of Jesus) was made flesh and dwelt amongst us for the guidance of the bewildered humanity. He said: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." "No man cometh to the Father, but by me" is the truth that applies to the followers of all true Masters who visited the earth from time to time. They do not only point the Way of Life Everlasting, but enable those who come to them to start living that life full of supreme bliss here and now. "We were in the lap of God, before we came to the world." They come to bring us back to Him Who is life (vibration), Light and Love and can be seen with the Single Eye and can be audible.

There is always in the world a Master--'As He speaks by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began' (Luke 1-70). The scriptures are the fine records of the experience of the past Masters with self and God and to have the right interpretation thereof we need someone who has had the same experience as also can give the demonstration thereof. So long as their experiences do not become our own experiences, we cannot be convinced. There is food for the hungry and water for the thirsty. They are the Light of the World as long as they are in the world. And it is they who select the disciples and put them on the Way under the Will of the Father. Those who come in their contact never walk in darkness.

When they leave the world the Christ Power, God Power or Guru Power working at these human-poles never leaves those who come in contact with them in their lifetime till the end of the world.

They advise to be still physically and mentally, in meditation and in that stillness one becomes aware of self by rising above body-consciousness, which precedes God-knowledge. When a Master, Word-made-flesh, is found, you come nearer the Word --God-into-expression Power-- Who is manifested in Him.

To celebrate the birthday, people at large make extra efforts to cleanse their homes of all filth, white-wash and paint them and lights are lit. Lighting of houses is a common feature both in the East and the West. In this the Masters have a message for the spiritual benefit of humanity.

You are the living temples of God in which the Light of God is effulgent to enable you to contact Him. This Light and Sound principle is reverberating in the temple of your body. You are to cleanse the body by keeping strict vegetarian diet, avoiding all intoxicants and by right conduct of good living. The various human elements which distract the spirit from God way are: lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego which are washed away by coming in contact with the Light and Sound principle by the grace of the Master. I would reiterate the wise counsel of Jesus Christ: 'Take heed therefore, that the light which is in thee be not darkness.'

I wish you all to live such a disciplined and regulated life which may prove as a beacon light for others. It will not only accelerate your spiritual progress but will earn rich dividends for you by guiding the footsteps of other sincere seekers struggling for spiritual progress. You are the chosen few who have been spotted, singled out and accepted for initiation into the Mysteries of the Beyond. You have to review your out-going year and start anew with renewed zeal and enthusiasm to march ahead on the holy Path in the ensuing year. Let your light so shine that men may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

With all love and best wishes,

Your affectionately,

1969 Message for Christmas & New Year

I send my best wishes to each one of you, on this auspicious occasion of the sweet remembrance of Lord Jesus who brought Light to the world. Those who came to Him never walked in darkness, Jesus said that you should take up your cross daily so as to be reborn. To do this, the Master or Guru demonstrates the Light within you at the time of Initiation. The word "Guru" means one who can give you Light within. Let the year 1969 end by taking your cross daily so that you can start the New Year by taking a new birth. One birth is in the physical body and true rebirth is into the Beyond. This has also been given out by other Masters to make you twice born.

You are fortunate to have been taught how to take up your cross daily so as to rise above body-consciousness and be reborn into the Kingdom of God which is within you. Learn to stay longer in the Beyond and enjoy the bliss of the Kingdom of God within you.

All beauty and glory lie within you. There are so many mansions in the house of our Father, each one more beautiful and glorious than the other. The macrocosm is in the microcosm. The astral plane is more beautiful and glorious than the physical plane, and the causal plane still more beautiful. The bliss and glory of the spiritual planes are even more beautiful. The Masters who came spoke of all these. Saint Tulsi Das says when he transcended into the Brahmand (macrocosm), he was very much enamored of the beauty of that place, but when he transcended and entered the pure spiritual plane, he spoke of the glory and intoxication enjoyed there, as making the other seem just like a soul was living in a latrine.

These teachings of the Masters were handed down from posterity to posterity like a sealed book. For want of practical teachers, the beauty of them could not be enjoyed.

You are fortunate that you have been given an access into the Beyond for enjoying that bliss by rising above body-consciousness or taking your cross daily--as St. Paul said, "I die daily." In Luke 13:24, it is said, "For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them."

You have that sonorous or ringing radiant light within you and should enjoy it as much as you can in this physical body. Also, when a light is lit, let it not be put under a bushel, but put it in a place that will attract the eyes of those who are seeking the light.

I wish you all God speed. The Master Power, God Power, Christ Power within you will be extending all feasible help and protection until you are completely attuned into the sweetness of your Father.

With all love and best wishes,

Yours affectionately,

1970 Christmas and New Year's Message

All scriptures handed down the ages are conclusive that 'God is Spirit'—moreover 'God made man in His own image.' The image cannot be but spirit.

As God is infinite, i.e. not subject to death, then man in his own essence can also be not subject to death—he is conscious entity, a drop of the ocean of all consciousness, and indweller in the body, and on account of that the body is working. God is a living Presence within our being—controlling us in the body. Both soul and God reside in our bodies, but we are identified with the body so much so that we have forgotten our own self. We are under a grand delusion and cannot see the world in its right perspective. Unless we know ourselves by rising above body-consciousness, how can we know God who is residing with us in the body ? Truly speaking, manbody is the temple of God. We should therefore be conscious of our Divine Nature, and try to regain our God-head. For that, you turn away completely from outside and outgoing faculties for a while, and close yourself in the closet of your body. The Ringing Radiance of God will become effulgent. God is eternal, all wisdom, all happiness, so you are the same. Mind that you and God are one, you can never be separated. He is ever with you, enlivening you. His life is your life, and you cannot live without Him— so you have nothing to fear.

Man is what he thinks about all day long. One can only live one moment at a time. Emerson said: "There is no moment in eternity more important than this moment." All real good or evil that may befall him is from himself. If a man lives in a good or bad way in the real present, he will ensure the same in the future. If you have bad thoughts for others, you will harm not them only but yourself as well, as thoughts are very potent. So try to live in the living present, forgetting the past and the future—and fill every moment of your life with simple trust in Him in all loving devotion. He will manifest in you when you choose and turn your face to Him. As loving advice I give you, from this moment let love be your constant companion and trust Him in all things. God is love and love is God, and the way back to God is also through love. Guru Gobind Singh says "Hear ye all, I tell the truth; God is attained through love." Rest assured that He is With you always, and be of good cheer.

With all best wishes,
Yours affectionately,



1971 Christmas and New Year's Message

Dear Ones,

This blessed day of 25th December, 1971, is celebrated in the sweet remembrance of Christ, when He manifested at the human pole of Jesus for the guidance of the child humanity. He was the Light of the world as long as he was in the world (John 9: 5). He gave Light of Life to whomsoever came in contact with Him.

Each of the prophets and messiahs is sent into the world who carries on His work of uniting souls to God. The law of supply and demand is always working in nature. There is food for the hungry and water for the thirsty; where there is fire, oxygen of its own comes to its aid. When He fulfills His mission, He is recalled, gathered up and passes away the scene of His activity on earth plane.

Those in search of God, are ultimately led by the God-Power to the feet of the Master-Saint--the 'Word made flesh'—for the journey back to God. "No man can come to me except his Father which has sent me draws him; and I will raise him on the last day." (John 5:41) "Last day" means the last day of the earthly life, when the sensory currents are withdrawn from the body.

You are taught to rise above body-consciousness by daily spiritual practices and meet the Master within. It is only when the outward man perishes, that the inward man (spirit) is renewed.

"For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it." (Luke 9:24 & 17:37)

It is a pity that we have made wonderful progress in all walks of life but woefully lack self-knowledge and God-knowledge."What does it profit a man if he gains the possession of the whole world and losses his own soul ?"

We are fortunate to have the man body, which is the highest in all creation, in which we can know ourselves and develop God-consciousness. The word 'religion' is derived from a Latin word 'Ligare' and with its derivative ligamant, which means to bind. 'Re' denotes 'again', so it denotes to bind back the soul to God, which is a common heritage of mankind.

Time and tide wait for no man. We should do our utmost to achieve the object before us. And my best wishes are with each one of you.

Yours affectionately,